Project name: Worker HP: Worker Health and Performance
Beneficiary: SEPRI – Medicina no Trabalho LDA
University of Minho
Date of approval: 29-07-2021
Start date: 01-01-2021¹
Project code: NORTE-01-0247-FEDER-070146
Main objective: OT1 – Strengthening research, technological development and innovation
Region of intervention: NORTH
Completion date: 30/06/2023
Total eligible cost: €705,042.65
Financial support from the European Union: ERDF – 508.747,83 €
Objectives, activities and expected/achieved results
Project no. 70146, called Worker HP, aims to develop a monitoring and warning system to promote the correction of the postures of workers/employees with sedentary work habits. It is a technological solution based on biosignals capable of collecting a set of variables, in a non-intrusive and inconspicuous way, with a view to encouraging and developing the prevention and/or treatment of pathologies.