Health and Safety on site aims to ensure effective control of working conditions in order to prevent accidents and occupational illnesses.
For this to be possible, it is also necessary for workers to collaborate in defining and complying with the recommended preventive measures, with a view to promoting safe and healthy workplaces.
In this context, it is extremely important to involve your workers in all the phases involved in carrying out the tasks, as an interested, active party and promoter of health and safety at work.
It is well known that when all stakeholders are involved, it becomes easier to achieve the desired objectives and this is no exception in the area of health and safety.
General Principles of Prevention and Mandatory Observation
Respect safety regulations on site;
Work carefully;
Do not override any protective devices on machinery and equipment, nor override collective protections;
Don’t improvise, plan the tasks and all their stages, including the implementation of protection systems, particularly fall protection systems;
Always wear the personal protective equipment you have been provided with and take care to keep it in good condition.
Keep your workplace clean and tidy;
When using machines and equipment, comply with the specifications for their use and safety;
The detection of any anomalies must be reported immediately to the Safety Manager and Technician;
Take an active part in the program to promote health and safety on site;
The consumption of alcoholic beverages and/or psychoactive substances is prohibited;
If you have any doubts, ask for clarification;
Make suggestions for improving health and safety.
Your life depends on these principles!
Remember, safety is a question of attitude and will!
When you’re prepared and know what to do, everything will be easier.
At SEPRI we offer quality health and safety services on site.
Contact us for more information.