What does your workplace say about you? Prevent work-related injuries

Have you ever heard of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs)?
These injuries are cumulative and are caused by repetitive strain over an extended period of time. This is one of the most common occupational diseases.  

In order for companies to be able to define and implement preventive measures for LMERT, it is essential to identify the associated occupational risks.

But how are risks identified and assessed?

There is no single method for identifying and quantifying risk factors.
It is recommended that companies use a combination of different techniques:  

  • Ergonomic analysis of workstations: application of force, movements, postures, suitability of furniture and work equipment;

  • Occupational risk assessment: use of risk assessment and quantification methods;

  • Consultation with workers on the demands and particularities of their jobs: gathering information from workers.

Based on the results obtained from the application of these techniques, companies should draw up a list of measures to be implemented in order to prevent injuries.

What should be taken into account when defining prevention measures?

  1. Workstation configuration:  must be adapted to the anthropometric characteristics of each worker;

  2. Work equipment and furniture: must be ergonomically suitable for the job in question;

  3. Tasks/work method: avoid repetitive and long-duration work, as well as  work overload, always providing rest breaks and, if necessary, rotation and redistribution of work;

  4. Organizational factors: promoting a physically and psychologically healthy working environment for all employees.

Prevention of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Injuries

There are 3 ways of preventing LMERT:

  • Exercise in the workplace

  • Employee training

  • Continuous medical surveillance

It should be emphasized that preventive actions should include exercise in the workplace, training/information for workers about the occupational risks to which they are exposed, as well as ongoing medical surveillance of workers’ health.

For more information, please contact: comunicacao@sepri.pt

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